Caine Terrace: Abandoned 90s Hong Kong Apartments in the Heart of Wan Chai


Essential Information About the Graveyard of the Gods

Address: Caine Terrace, 98 Kennedy Rd, Mid-Levels

Chinese Address: 嘉賢臺, 堅尼地道 98 號

Caine Terrace Google Maps Location

The History of Caine Terrace

Caine Terrace is practically invisible despite being perched in the Mid-Levels, an affluent area in Hong Kong's Wan Chai District. It's hard to spot amidst all the skyscrapers surrounding it, but those who know where to look can find a remnant of the past in plain sight!

It was initially constructed to serve as living quarters for bank employees. Therefore, the area of ​​each unit in Caine Terrace is smaller than that of private housing estates in the same area, and lacks the luxury appeal of other properties in Hong Kong. Indeed, the simple design is just like that of a public housing estate.

Before Caine Terrace was constructed, the property was composed of four connected villas built in the 1910s. Only three were left before the demolition, and a piece of grass next to the villas is still preserved to this day.

Caine Terrace only served its initial purpose of housing bank employees for three years before being purchased by Colworth in 1993 for HK$240 million, according to a Land Registry search.

After its sale, it was basically left to rot. The current owners of the property are content to keep it as it is and not sell just yet.

Google Map Location

Transport Options

You can take the MTR to Wan Chai Station and leave through Exit A3. You can walk directly to Caine Terrace within 10 minutes from the station.

How to Get There

  1. After exiting from Exit A3 of Wan Chai Station, cross the street and walk left.
  2. Take a right on Wan Chai Road and follow it to the Queen's Road East crossing
  3. Cross Queen's Road East and go up Stone Nullah Lane (the yellow building is an easy marker)
  4. At the end of Stone Nullah Lane, take the stairs up to Kennedy Road and cross the street
  5. When you see St James' Church, there's a set of old stairs on the left of the building with two arches framing them. Take those stairs. Caine Terrace is to the right.
  6. The property has a wall around it, so it's not recommended to enter

Caine Terrace On the Inside

The inside of Caine Terrace is quite eclectic. Most of the furniture is gone, if it ever existed at all. A few pieces remain, but most rooms are bare and barren.

The corridors are not adorned with much, save a few colorful splashes of graffiti. Some of it was quite amusing, to be honest.

In terms of architecture, most of the place is pretty utilitarian with smaller units than what one would expect from any type of luxury property, as would typically be befitting of apartments in the Mid-Levels around Wan Chai.

*One thing of major importance is that there seems to be someone living in Caine Terrace. If you visit, it's not just ghosts you'll have to keep an eye out for!

Getting Back

Retrace your steps back to Wan Chai MTR.